To Promote the Production, Sharing, and Proper Use of Food (2)

This is the second post in what will be an ongoing series devoted to using much of the original document (now in my hand) of the United States Department of Agriculture’s 1943 Victory Garden Campaign. Here’s a section from page 3:

Saving Current Supplies for Future Use

Not one bit of locally grown vegetables or fruit products should be allowed to go to waste. Surplus home-produced vegetables and fruits or local market surpluses obtainable at reasonable prices while still fresh should be used fresh or processed for family consumption. Or, if of good quality these may be given fresh to schools for school lunches, or if prepared under proper supervision by responsible agencies, may be canned, brined, dried, or otherwise processed and given to schools and local welfare institutions.

The entire national food situation will be tremendously bettered and our…needs be more easily supplied, if our farmers and our home owners with suitable ground will grow all the vegetables required for the family. Because of the importance of minerals and vitamins in the diet, special attention should be given to growing the fullest supply of green and leafy vegetables, yellow vegetables, and tomatoes. {Justice} Gardeners must, however, have required space and fertile ground, and tend their gardens faithfully, for we cannot afford to waste seed…and labor…

For more information than you could digest (or preserve) visit a blog I read frequently. Sharon Astyk is a prolific blogger and seems to be doing a lot of thinking about the future of food.

While it doesn’t seem as though my garden will produce enough food that I’ll need to store some for the winter, it is something that I have been thinking a lot about lately as I look for land around town to turn into a Justice Garden. Anyone out there storing food?


Filed under Food, Victory Garden History

2 responses to “To Promote the Production, Sharing, and Proper Use of Food (2)

  1. do you have much to can? if so i am borrowing a friends canning stuff & acquiring jars. perhaps a canning party is in order? friday i am having a friend over and we are canning cherry preserves – from the 10 lbs of sour cherries i bought today in dublin – and several other things like beans and other jams or jellies. i dont know how this is going to go since it’s my first crack at it but i can do no harm by trying!

  2. likely won’t have much. I think we’ll be freezing tomatoes this year.

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